EP. 5 Building Self Confidence

Self Confidence and Self Esteem are typically used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Self Esteem is an overall sense of value or self worth. Self Confidence is more about feeling secure and trusting in your abilities. 

A lack of confidence, breeds insecurities and actually can prevent you from achieving your full potential that which helps you to build future self confidence. People that are self confident are typically those willing to seize opportunities, speak up in front of an audience or even share their ideas in a meeting. When you lack self confidence you are less likely to set challenging goals or take action on things that could lead to your personal and professional growth.

1.             Be prepared - Nipsey Hussle

One of the best things you can do to build your confidence is to build your competence. Ensuring you show up to that meeting or that job interview knowing you studied your craft and are ready to perform is everything. Confidence doesn’t come from a motivational quote - it comes from knowing you put in the time and work to know that you are prepared and have earned a seat at the table. So that means continuously learning it also means  avoiding lazy mistakes, take additional time to double check the details and ensure facts and figures are in order. Confidence is about competence

2.             Knowing what you bring to the table - T.I.

Understand that everyone is different and the people around you all have particular skills. Focus on what makes you different. Where are your strong suits at? Comparing yourself to others is not only self-sabotaging but a crippling demotivator to your own success story.

3.             Speak positive words about yourself - Kanye West

You should be your own biggest cheerleader. Positivity comes from within and people can quickly recognize a lack of confidence in one’s self. If you’re not confident in your own ability how could you possibly expect anyone else to be? Muhammad Ali said it best and said it about himself way before anyone actually thought it to be true, “I am the greatest.”


Ep. 4 Mini-Episode: Claim What is Yours