Trevor DeSaussure Trevor DeSaussure

EP. 5 Building Self Confidence

Self Confidence and Self Esteem are typically used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Self Esteem is an overall sense of value or self worth. Self Confidence is more about feeling secure and trusting in your abilities. 

A lack of confidence, breeds insecurities and actually can prevent you from achieving your full potential that which helps you to build future self confidence. People that are self confident are typically those willing to seize opportunities, speak up in front of an audience or even share their ideas in a meeting. When you lack self confidence you are less likely to set challenging goals or take action on things that could lead to your personal and professional growth.

1.             Be prepared - Nipsey Hussle

One of the best things you can do to build your confidence is to build your competence. Ensuring you show up to that meeting or that job interview knowing you studied your craft and are ready to perform is everything. Confidence doesn’t come from a motivational quote - it comes from knowing you put in the time and work to know that you are prepared and have earned a seat at the table. So that means continuously learning it also means  avoiding lazy mistakes, take additional time to double check the details and ensure facts and figures are in order. Confidence is about competence

2.             Knowing what you bring to the table - T.I.

Understand that everyone is different and the people around you all have particular skills. Focus on what makes you different. Where are your strong suits at? Comparing yourself to others is not only self-sabotaging but a crippling demotivator to your own success story.

3.             Speak positive words about yourself - Kanye West

You should be your own biggest cheerleader. Positivity comes from within and people can quickly recognize a lack of confidence in one’s self. If you’re not confident in your own ability how could you possibly expect anyone else to be? Muhammad Ali said it best and said it about himself way before anyone actually thought it to be true, “I am the greatest.”

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Trevor DeSaussure Trevor DeSaussure

Ep. 4 Mini-Episode: Claim What is Yours

Sometimes you need to speak your goals into existence. So much about motivation comes from within but the environment you create for yourself is just as important. Say it out loud, “I want this goal and it is mine for the taking.” I bet that felt good to hear. The future is absolutely yours and the initial attitude you take in obtaining your goals is a key factor in creating the momentum to reach the places you want to be.

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Jason Wallace Jason Wallace

Ep 3. Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

Your thoughts about yourself and what you are capable of are directly related to your potential to reach your goals. Whether you’re working at a dead-end job, afraid to start a new project, or hesitant to ask that special person on a date, the only thing limiting you is your thoughts.

Fixed mindset vs a growth mindset were terms made popular by Carol Dweck’s book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Mediocrity is a mindset, and “good” is the biggest threat to “great” because it allows you to be comfortable in your fixed mindset. Even with action, even with talent, even with the resources to reach your goals -your success will never exceed your mindset. If you imagine less - you deserve less. You need to go higher and imagine more! Leave your fixed mindset behind and step forward into growth. 

There are lots of things you can do to develop a growth mindset but here are three practical things you can start doing today. 

1.             Find Ways to Overcome Obstacles - Jay-z

Contrary to popular belief, obstacles are not designed to prevent you from reaching your goals, they’re designed to develop you personally and professionally to reach them. Determine what lies between you and where you want to be and know that whatever is in your path is meant to promote you to growth and fulfillment.

2.             You’re Only as Strong as your Team – Drake

You will never outgrow your environment – ensure your environment and those near you are built for growth and are willing to expand as you continue to rise.

3.             Failure is a Part of the Process - Kendrick Lamar

There is no such thing as success without failures. Understand that failure is only the end if you allow it to be – continue to reach for your goals and make failure simply a part of the process.

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Jason Wallace Jason Wallace

Ep 2. Mini-Episode: Letting Go


What are you holding on to that is stopping you from getting to where you were called to be. Is it unforgiveness, is it a bad relationship, someone that did you wrong - Whatever it is, you’re allowing it to drag you down and get in the way of your purpose. These bags represent a toxic past that Is no longer who you are – yet you are reliving it and allowing it to stunt your growth and take your focus. Get on that bus of opportunity - You cannot grab onto your next blessings with your hands full – the person, the pain, the regret – let it go and let you grow.

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Jason Wallace Jason Wallace

Ep 1. Take The Leap

take the leap lyrics and lattes.jpg

More than likely, whether you’re thriving or feeling stagnant, there are areas of your life where you feel like taking a leap of some kind is necessary. By “leap” - we mean taking the action to step forward into growth whether that growth is personal or professional. The feeling of living below your potential is natural and allows you begin to make that shift into greatness, however, fear typically creeps in and can make you hesitant. There are so many people afraid to take the leap into new ventures and create excuses allowing themselves to be comfortable in in-action. 

One excuse is that maybe you are waiting for the perfect time to start. If so, understand that the perfect time to start is the moment where you realize that there is no perfect time to start. Another excuse is wrapped in comparison, where you feel that there’s no use in starting because there are other people much further along than you. Recognize that everyone begins an amateur and there is enough space for your talents and unique voice despite who else is already producing content. The last deterrent, we’ll share is procrastination that is cloaked in research and planning. Don’t allow the time you’ve spent learning, planning. and consuming content give you the perception of starting. While research is helpful - it can easily grow into the very thing stopping your action to start. You will never feel 100% prepared or confident - you have to take that leap anyways!

 Don’t allow the ambiguity of the 5th step stop you from taking the first. The worst place for an idea to live is in your head. It’s time to turn your dreams into goals and take action and below are a few steps to help you achieve that goal:

1. Consider The Alternative

In Jayz’s song, “Can I Live” from his debut Album and undeniable classic, Reasonable Doubt, he shares that while he was physically trapped in a negative environment, his mind was always set on greater things. He mentions that he would rather die enormous than live dormant when speaking about risking his life to live what he considered The American Dream. Maybe you don’t come from the same harsh realities but the point remains the same. Consider the alternative to starting your new venture and if that alternative is living average then why not do what you can do to get more and set yourself up for something better. 

2. Recognize that Success is a Process

On Wale’s song Legendary from his Album titled, Ambition, he spoke about the importance of recognizing that success is a part of the process. There are so many people looking to reach success quickly and failing to enjoy the process. Growth does not come from the achievement but from the road to it. Stop focusing on the the end goal and enjoy the position you are in and all it offers.

 3. Don’t Give Up

Big Krit’s single Boobie Miles from his album 4eva N a Day spoke about valuing of persistence. While Wale’s song shared that success is a process, Big Krit’s song discusses how failure is a natural part of that process. It’s impossible to reach your goals without some setbacks. Having the patience and diligence to see your ideas through builds growth and character. Alternatively, if you’ve reached a goal and did fail at any point - chances are your goals weren’t big enough. 

 It’s time to put the excuses away and take the leap and take control of your future. Success isn’t going to knock on the door - you have to be willing to go after it. I know you’ve heard that famous quote that success is when preparation meets opportunity but I’m here to tell you that opportunity is all around you. It’s just preparation and action - you know the opportunity now go and do it. Recognize that the alternative is mediocrity, that you can’t give up because failure is not an option. 

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